Vilay Diwas


Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra Celebrated Vilay Divas

Sh B.L. Saraf Retd. Distt session Judge was chief guest whereas Sh. Vikas Sharma, Chairman Adhivakta Parishad  was guest of honour.

Dr M.K.Bharat Chairman SSK while welcoming the guests detailed about the importance of the accession day with a beautiful Hindi poem.

The proceedings were conducted by Dr. M T. K. Dhar. The function ended with singing of National Anthem


In connection with the Accession Day, a poetic symposium was organized by Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra on 26th October, 2010 at Sharda Bhawan, Anand Nagar, Bohri. A number of renowned poets participated and recited their  valuable poems regarding National Integration. Eminent poets Shri P.N.Shad, Dr. K.L.Choudhary, Prof.R.L Shant  Prof. P.N Trichal were in the presidium.  Brij Nath Hali. J.N. Sagar, Mohan Lal Aash,  P.N Kaul Sayil P.N Madup, M.L Masroof,  J.N Saroo,  M.K Bharat and others recited soul stirring poems on the importance of Accession Day. President of Sanjeevni Sharda Kendra T.N Pandita presided over the function. 


The programme started with lightening of the Traditional Lamp. Noted poet Shri M.K. Bharat conducted the proceedings on the occasion. An exhibition of the Martyrs of 1947 was also displayed on the occasion. In addition to the galaxy of eminent poets and intellectuals large number of people from all walks of life participated in the poetic meet.


Accession Day (Vilay Divas ) of J&K state with Indian Union was Celebrated by Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra today the 27 th October 2012 at Sharda Bhawan, Anand Nagar, Bohri . A number of renowned poets participated and recited their valuable poems regarding National Integration on this Occasion . Dr. K.L.Choudhary renowned physician, social activist and noted writer presided over the function. Eminent Columinist Shri. Daya Sagar Ji  was the chief guest on the occasion.The Programme started with lightening of the traditional lamp.


Dr.Choudhary however spoke about the full and final accession of J&K state with Indian Union and Shri Daya Sagar Ji while speaking on the occasion made it clear that the format of  Instrument of Accession signed by H.E Maharaja Hari Singh was the same as was executed by the heads of all princely states, which is final and irrevocable .This has also been ratified by the J&K legislative Assembly on Feb. 6, 1956.  Noted Poets Sh.P.L.Shad, Sh.M.K.Santoshi, Sh.Jawahar Lal Bhat recited poems on the occasion. In addition to the galaxy of eminent poets and intellectuals large number of people from all  walks of life participated in the programme. Sh.Ramesh Sabherwal, Sh Y R Gupta leaders of J&K Peoples Forum and Professor P.N.Trisal were also present in the programme. Dr.M.K.Bharat conducted the proceedings .Vote of Thanks was given by Shri B.L Maratha trustee of the Kendra.


To mark the accession of Jammu and Kashmir with the country on 26th October 1947 a function was held at Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra, Anand Nagar, Bohri on Sunday. While speaking at the function noted jurist and constitutional expert B L Saraf highlighted the salient aspects of the process of accession to the country by the then Maharaja Hari Singh said that the constitutional validity of the Accession to the Union of India was complete in all respects. Dispelling the questions raised by anti –India forces within the country and outside he lambasted their vicious and false propaganda. He said further that these people hold no ground and elaborated further that even United Nations too has not questioned the legal validity of the Accession. 


Eminent columnist Shiban khabri while speaking at the function traced the history of turbulent ties of 1947 said that the sudden attack by Pakistan and its band of raiders who let loose a reign of terror by slaughtering Hindu men and women of the state changed the whole political scene of the subcontinent. The murder and mayhem let loose by tribals called kabalis and the Pak army who even did not spare the nuns of mission hospital Baramulla is a grim reminder of the devilish mindset of Pakistani designs. Khaibri further said that even after almost seventy years the same Pakistani devilish designs are continuing. He said that the Maharaja made a sagacious decision to accede to India and this decision has proved its merit. He questioned that if 13th July is declared as a State holiday when 26th October the   Accession Day is not declared as a state holiday. Senior Trustee of the Kendra Hirdey Nath Pandita presided over the function. 


He impressed upon the need to make all out efforts to remove all obstacles which come in the way of complete merger of the State with the union of India. He further emphasized the need to contribute towards a resurgent, clean and prosperous India. A thought provoking patriotic song written by Hari krishen Siddha was sung by the students of Shastri memorial High secondary School Patoli. Shri Geeta Ji Shaloks were recited by the shaka children on the occasion. Sh B L Marhatta presented vote of thanks and noted Hindu poet DR M K Bharat conducted the programme. It s pertinent to mention that Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra a front ranking socio-cultural organization of the state  every year celebrates 26th October as Vilay Divas.


On the occasion of Accession day (Vilay Divas) , Sanjeevani Sharda Kendera Anand Nagar Jammu is organising a students seminar on the topic “VILAY DIVAS”  at its Sharda Bhawan , on Sunday, the 28th October, 2018 at 10.30 a.m. Shri Shiban Khaibri, Eminent Columnist and Social Worker will be the Chief Guest and Smt. Kiran Raina, Pricipal, Abhey Public Higher Secondary School, Muthi, will be the Guest of Honour. Meritorious students of Gyan Pritiyogita -2018 and three top speakers in Seminar as per on spot judement  will be suitably awarded. You are cordially invited alongwith your family to grace the occasion.