Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra Trust has been duly established and registered with the Registrar City Jammu under No.

00339820, dated 25-9-1997.

We believe it’s important for our Kendra to know what we Value and Understand the vision for our Future.

Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra, Anand Nagar Bohri, Jammu is a non-political Trust registered with the Registrar, Jammu City vide No. 00339820, dated 25-9-1997. The trust is registered with Income Tax Department under 12 A and has been granted exemption under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. The Trust was conceptualized by a selfless group of social activists, reeling under the devastating impact of the forced exodus from our Matri Bhumi Kashmir during the violent aftermath of 1990, to provide moral, social & cultural succor to the beleaguered community. The Refugees were primarily trying to get a physical foothold for their families in the harsh climatic conditions outside Kashmir. Evidently in this depressing & challenging scenario, the socio-cultural identity of the community as well as the centuries old traditions, which otherwise sustained our unique identity as Kashmiri Hindu’s, was under a natural threat of being eroded and obliterated. As such the Trust was established to protect the socio-cultural & educational heritage of the displaced Kashmiri refugees.

The aim of the Trust is to provide a congenial platform to our community so as to propagate the cultural & religious values which is our proud inheritance from our forefathers. At the same time Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra also addresses to the educational inheritance and connects actively with the community children & youth, making them aware of our past glory, bringing within the ambit of their knowledge the sacrifices of Kashmiri icons in the past history, the advent of sages & spiritualists, the contribution of educationists and imbibing in them the concept of nationalism and last but not the least, making them feel proud Indians.

Kashmiri Pandits have been Shakti Upasaks and continue to hold Matri Shakti in reverence and in deference to our spiritual pursuits, the Kendra also has objective of empowering the community women. 

Over the years SSK has rendered yeoman’s service to the displaced community by protecting & propagating the social & cultural ethos & values, providing medical related services, establishing a library, collating data of the community holocaust, reaching out to the youth in schools & colleges by encouraging them in co-curricular & extracurricular activities, exposing them to the concepts of moral & national values and empowering them by skill enhancement.

The said Trust has been created to : 

1. Infuse the hope of inspiring future; 

2. Bolster the struggle of displaced Kashmiris to redeem their individuality and existence in the dependency of having turned refugees in their own country; 

3. Initiate socio-Economic augmentation in an organized manner; 

4. To achieve its desired goals and purpose of its creation the Trust has established certain aims and objectivities: — 

5. To protect, promote cultural heritage of the displaced community;

6. To organize various community development Programmes; 

7. To organize and arrange various training programmes for the younger generation of the community to make them self-reliant; 

8. To establish vocational centers especially for women for their upliftment; 

9. To establish a well-equipped research Library at the Centre to provide research and reading material to the scholars and study material to the general readers; 

10. To establish institutions for imparting cultural, moral, physical and technical education to the younger generation of the community;

As for the said aims and objectives, the centre has started certain activities as : 

a. Established a well-equipped computer center comprising 10 computers; 

b. A vocational centre of cutting and stitching for the women folk; 

c. A publication division to print and publish booklets to awaken the young ones regarding their illustrious ancient culture, history, philosophy and traditions; 

d. A well-furnished Library comprising books on various subjects as philosophy, culture, history, religion, literature and technology; 

e. A Research centre in the fields of history, religion, philosophy, Literature, folk lore and folk-arts; 

f. Organizing collective celebration of various festivals for social and national integration; 

g. Classes and work shops for teaching ancient script of ‘SHARDA’ and spoken Sanskrit; 

h. Organizing seminars, debates, discussions, quiz among youth to enhance their talent and personality.

The centre has well situated two storied building to carry on its various activities. It has enough place to accommodate various Training centers i.e. Computer, Sewing, Library and Research. 


The Training Centers are well furnished with equipment and necessary furniture. The Library is regularly supplied with new books and manuscripts. Seminars, debates, discussions, quiz programmes are organized in a planned manner. Every effort is being utilized to involve more and more persons (young, old, women, children) of the community to get benefited. The centre is working under a registered trust comprising eleven (11) trusties. The trust is taking keen interest to achieve its goals, aims and objectives for which it has been created. Various sub- committees have been framed to look after various activities.


The trust is registered in Income Tax Department under 12 A and has been provided with 80-G facility.

नमस्ते शारदे देवी काश्मीरपुरवासिनि|
त्वामहं प्रार्थये नित्यं विद्यादानं च देहि मे||